Tuesday, September 30, 2008

painting my camera (and making faces)
daddy and i made a camera out of a block of wood for me (yeah, i'm an easy audience, still). i was going to paint it silver like his camera but then i saw the can of pink paint... coolness! so tonight i painted my camera pink all by myself, should be dry by tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

go patriots!
the somerset patriots, that is! mommy and daddy's financial advisors invited us down to a minor league baseball game tonight. pretty cool, we saw their mascots walking around (i was afraid of them both), we talked to the players, and, oh yeah, we ate. burgers, hot dogs, i totally mowe'd the grub.
cow ride
ok, um, awesome... maggie and i took a few loops on the cow ride, these giant oil cans converted into cows, with wheels! oh what fun... i LOVE rides! someone tried to tell me i wasn't awesome, i was like "whatever".

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

takin' pitchers!
ok, so mommy and daddy have a lot of cameras. uncle timmy has a lot too. mommy and daddy gave aunt calorin a bag that holds nothin' but cameras. i want IN on this "camera" thing. yesterday i used a block of wood, today i upgraded, daddy and i made one out of legos. "click!"

Monday, September 22, 2008

my bestest pal magoo!
she's the best! we went up to plymouth this weekend and sunday we even got to go out on the boat! yeah, a huge boat, with a big motor and stuff. maggie's daddy ethan drove the boat all the way to a restaurant, and on the way home daddy and ethan jumped out of the boat and went swimming... the water was cold! tho.
first day!
well, not me, it's mommy's first day at her new job! so to make her feel good, we took a picture together. she's gonna do so awesome, i hope she enjoys it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

big sis to-be
mommy and daddy told me big news this week... that mommy has a baby in her tummy and soon (sort of) i will be a big sister! i have embraced this news as i do with anything. love having fun having a "baby in my belly" myself! mommy said something about being sick and exhausted all the time tho, i dunno about that, i feel pretty good.

Monday, September 15, 2008

road trip!
these days mommy's been pretty tuckered out. and me too. so we tend to grab a little snoozie whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

shirts of solidarity
or something like that. ok, so karma from a couple "eff you" TD's last season came back to bit my boy Brady in the behind. and he's now going to be watching the season from the sidelines (or his recliner). not cool. but we're strong and so are our pats... we're shooting for 12 wins, hoping for 10, but bottom line is let's beat the stinking J-E-T-S sunday!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

First Day of School!

Today was my first day at my new school and I was so excited! Last night I picked out a special, new dress and Mommy gave me a new monkey backpack! This morning I got up early and got all ready, and even did my hair all by myself and put in 3 clips! When I got to school, I played dollies with my new teacher and waved bye bye to Mommy and Daddy, with a BIG smile on my face! I am going to love my new school!